"Yay! I made it!"
It was a dark night, I was lost in the forest of Amazon. It seemed a lot like a maze, I turned up back at the same place I had started my journey. I was surrounded by heaps of beatles, certain weird types of squaking scorpions, mites ticks and; Yes! utterly disgusting squishy sluggy mini monsters - spiders (there were a hundred million types of them!). I was particularly intrigued with the multicolored variety of shades across the whole scene, in spite of it being all dark. It seemed as if colour was just splashed on the canvas out of nowhere, I could feel the presence of that texture, from the palette that displayed the essence of vividness in an extra ordinary fashion.
The clock ran, but it seemed as if the time was passing extremely slow. Each moment seemed to be like a thousand years, effort taking and rough at each and every corner. The amazon life seemed to sizzle me up from top to bottom. It was that annoying moment, when I had landed up in this unusual environment waiting for someone. The howls of the fox nearby seemed to get the bravest out of me. It seemed too good! No, it really seemed bad! Oh, it was just something I had never experienced earlier. The fear of trying the unexpected had gushed adrenaline throughout my body.
I was in a do or die situation, I was afraid of the worst, fascinated by the best. I was just so mesmerized in the twirled mash of Amazon that I forgot I had to do something else. All the events that occurred with me today seemed to be so predictable, that I knew something wrong was going to happen and my adventure was going turn deadly. Yes indeed! The whole thing happened according to what I had thought. First, the nasty creatures approached my arms and started crawling on them, as if to poison me to death. I squealed then yanked one of the beatles, thirsting for help. Those scandalous lives had been one the greatest phobias I had ever faced! I just didn’t know how to get them off…
I spinned, then swayed towards one of the oak trees, then dancing like a monster to rip back those things. The tremendous number of those not-wanted creatures made me scream to the top of my voice, as if to wake the dead. I was imprisoned inside the forest, with these creatures as the bars, and the canopy of the trees above as the cellar.I really needed to get out of here!I shoved and swooped my shoulders as rapidly as possible. I managed to halve, no it reduced to one-fourth, Oh! finally a pair may be! Unwantedly, the magnitude of the predictability increased, and suddenly I knew I was out of the danger, it was the perfect time to scream “Yay! I made it!” Actions were much more planned, than I really thought the climax of my life in the form of story to be!
But all this drama was for something else. The teacher had told me to do all of this, for the sole reason that I could let out a perfect scream “Yay! I made it!” after the end of the heroic drama that we had planned for the annual function. She told me that this large piece of imagination would work not only to bring out the best scream I could ever make but also, act as a confidence booster, when I was a bit scared of standing in front of the audience! The creatures actually seemed to clamp me to death! Shivers went down my spine as I descent the stage with the thought that “Yay! I made it!” A subtle contrast...
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