Flying Happiness ;)

Tomorrow is that day,
which was awaited by millions,
Oh! its Kite flying!
And... We are flying Happiness!

Tomorrow is that day,
when millions of vivid coloured kites,
will scamper in the sky
illuminate the brightest force,
and regain its reverence,
that was forgotten for the past days.
We're flying happiness!

Tomorrow is that day,
when millions of shoots
will bloom into the blunt garden,
they'll outshine the roses and tulips.
With their radiance so mighty...
beyond your and my imagination,
We're flying happiness!

Tomorrow is that day,
when jazzy kites will soar,
with immense desperation,
that had led them down in hard times!
With targets to achieve and hopes to be believed
A ray of light, to envision the forthcoming.
We're flying happiness!

Tomorrow is that day,
Lets just flood the lives of blind,
with light that outshines all,
and bring that smile awaited by many,
on a tiny hard core face, that never smiled!
Lets celebrate Kite flying a bit differently!
Tomorrow, We're flying happiness!

(Happy Uttarayan!)


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